In 2014 I was quite excited when I learned about the new Chinese company called – SJCAM. Their popular camera SJ4000 proved to be one of the most successful cheap sports cameras. You might not know this, but the first article ever published on our website was about recognizing fake SJCAM cameras. Now 3 years […]
SJCam SJ6 Legend Air Action Camera Review
Our postman never rings twice. The system is, he just honks his car klaxon; it freaks our doggies, and then we know who’s out there, by the incredible din they orchestrate. The new package from Far Far Away has arrived! It’s a camera that I have eagerly awaited and very much looked forward to exploring. […]
SJCAM released their first car camera -SJ DASH
SJCAM just keeps launching cameras. After the recent release of the SJ6, SJ6 Air, SJ360 and SJ7 Star, they announced their first ever dash-camera – SJ DASH. SJ DASH is a car camera (dashcam). For all of you who do not know, a dash camera is a camera which main objective is to record traffic […]
Why Did My SJ7 Stop Working?
UPDATE MAY 23, 2017 Yesterday I received an e-mail from SJCam with an update on this issue. Here’s a portion of the text from that e-mail: Please see attached picture. It turns out that there was an issue with a few units during assembly. Your unit should have a screw instead of soldering. Anyways, the […]
SJCam SJ7 Star Action Camera Review
UPDATE MAY 23, 2017 Yesterday I received an e-mail from SJCam with an update on this issue. Here’s a portion of the text from that e-mail: Please see attached picture. It turns out that there was an issue with a few units during assembly. Your unit should have a screw instead of soldering. Anyways, the […]
SJCam SJ360 Camera Review
Here we go again! After our Elephone EleCam 360 review here we are talking about another new 360° camera, this time from SJCam. As you can see from the image below from the SJCam website, the camera doesn’t have a real 360° angle but rather 360° x 220°. In plain words, with this camera you […]